
Tall, fair, fit, GL blue-eyed Viking

Età 51 Da London, United Kingdom Online Oltre 2 settimane fa

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Informazioni di base Parlaci un po' di te
  • Parlo Inglese, Altro
  • Mi descriverei come I'm tall, fair and fit with blue eyes, long sexy muscular legs leading up to a firm butt. I work out in the gym at least 3 times per week, . I run quite a lot too, and I generally like keeping fit, so I would say that I had a slim but trained body. Outdoor type.
    Not camp. Handsome face, Im often told.
    Sensual. Attentive. A positive attitude. Open minded. Active lifestyle. Sense of humour. My interests are walking in the mountains (would love to go on the Inca-trail), forests and beautiful beaches, seeing the world. I?m also into music, theatre and film - directing and acting -without being anywhere near a drama queen! I like writing stories and scripts, and being generally creative.

    I like good horny sex but I?m also very much into being in a relationship and I am into all the things you can do when you are in one. I like dipping my toe into the gay scene every now and then - although I rarely do t'Vauxhall-big-commitment-all-night-all-morning-kinda?-clubbing. I like the cafe's in Soho though, and the occasional bar. Let?s face it. There are so many other more interesting and fulfilling things to do. I just prefer doing them with someone I like - or even love. :)

    I?m really into my fitness at the moment and I therefore generally prefer not to have alcohol in my blood: Although I?m not into regular drinking I?m not a fanatic either and I may have a couple of pints at the weekend.

    I do see myself as romantic and I can?t think of anything more beautiful than to people wanting to share their lives and just being there for each other ?in good and in bad times?. Relationships are often hard work, and I believe that we have to compromise at least 50% when we are with a partner.
    Enough about me! I hope this isn?t too long!
  • Segno zodiacale Bilancia
Apparenza Qual è la tua situazione attuale? Descrivi il tuo aspetto.
  • La mia corporatura è Atletico
  • La mia altezza è 6' 2 (1.88 m)
  • I miei occhi sono Azzurri
  • La mia etnia è Caucasico
  • Il mio stato civile è Single
  • Ho Figli No
  • Voglio figli Non so
  • Le mie caratteristiche migliori sono Occhi
  • I Miei capelli sono Biondo scuro
  • Ho una o più di queste Nessun animale
Stato Cosa fai?
  • Il mio livello di istruzione è Laurea
  • La mia situazione lavorativa è Tempo Pieno
  • La mia specializzazione è Medicina/ Salute
  • La mia professione è Drama and Movement Therapist
  • Vivo Da solo
  • A casa Tutto è calmo
  • Fumo No
  • Bevo Sì - Sociale
Personalità Come ti comporti? Quali sono i tuoi gusti?
  • Tornando alle Superiori, Ero Cocco del maestro
  • Il mio comportamento sociale è da flirtare
  • I miei interessi e Hobby sono Viaggi
  • Tempo speso bene secondo me: Andare a un museo
  • Un primo appuntamento ideale è Having great chemistry with a gorgeous and lovely guy and not realising that 4-5 hours have gone by while we were getting to know each other. Then a definate appointment to meet again.
  • Ho sempre voluto provare Going to Hollywood, staying there for a year and auditioning for as many films and tv-shows as I possibly can..
  • I miei amici mi descrivono come Oscuro
Punti di Vista Punti di vista
  • La mia religione è Non religioso
  • Partecipo alle Funzioni Una volta all'anno
  • I mie obiettivi nella vita sono To be happy, loved and loving others, healthy, appriciated, succesful in my profession, enough money not to worry about my morgage and travelling needs, inspired, always creative, succesful and engaged in acting/performance, becoming a writer and staying fit n' attractive as the years go by..
  • Il mio umorismo è di tipo Farsesco
Gusti Cosa ti piace?
  • In televisione guardo sempre Notizie
  • Quando vado al cinema vado sempre a vedere Thriller
  • Quando ascolto musica ascolto sempre Reggae
  • Quando leggo, leggo sempre Consultazione
  • La mia idea di divertimento è Walking in the Mountains with someone I love is the most romantic thing I can think off. We may even get up to a bit of fun behind a big rock.. :)

    Travelling in Europe and the rest of the world with a gorgeous and lovely partner.

    A fun summers day in London meeting friends, doing a combination of things.. Hyde Park, coffee in Soho, meal, bar, cinema or theatre, maybe dancing.

    Waking up at the weekend with the one I love, having lazy breakfast.. shower together and hot man on man sex :-D
In cerca di Cosa cerchi nella tua anima gemella?
  • Cosa trovi attraente? Profondità
  • Cosa cerchi? The guy I’m looking for is someone who likes what he was reading above; someone who feels quite similar to myself in many of those aspects mentioned, although I don’t mean identical! Don’t get me wrong! It’s great with some diversity and inspiration.

    I’m looking for someone who is at least intersted in meeting up a couple of times - or three in order to see what might happen between us, as suppose to just a quick shag. The man I’m looking for is a professional with a permit to stay in this country as long as he wants, and who don’t have any plans of living somewhere else. Someone who is independent with friends, but still needs to share his life with someone else. A good sense of humour is a great plus - and so is a fairly open mind and a positive attitude to life.

    Physically I must admit that tall, dark and handsome turns me on - or tall, fair and handsome for that matter. I like Black and White men, and everything in-between! Finally I do like a fit guy who attend the gym or d
  • Che tipo di relazione stai cercando? Impegnati

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