GWM 4 GBM top seeking serious LTR/friend

Године 50 из Duluth, Minnesota На мрежи Пре више од 2 недеља

Мушкарац тражим мушкарца

Основни подаци Реците нам нешто о себи.
  • Мој опис I am a 34-year-old GWM in Duluth, MN; I work in health and fitness, my passions are working out, running marathons, staying healthy and meeting new people. A non-smoker and non-bar person seeking the same kind of guy. I live a simple life, and seek someone else trying to make the most out of what they have at this point in time. I can have fun doing just about anything with the right person with a sense of humor; now I just need to find the guy!
  • Хороскопски знак Рак
Изглед и стање Какво је Ваше тренутно стање? Опишите како изгледате.
  • Моје грађа Атлетска/обликована
  • Висина 185 цм
  • Боја очију Зеленa
  • Раса Белац/Белкиња
  • Брачно стање Сингл
  • Имам децу Не
  • Желим децу Да
  • Моја најбоља карактеристика Задњица
  • Телесна обележја Не пада ми на памет
  • Боја косе Плава
  • Имам Мачка
Статус Чиме се бавите?
  • Образовни ниво Виша школа
  • Мој радни однос Радим хонорарно
  • Моја струка Медицина/Здравство
  • Назив мог радног места Health/Fitness Trainer
  • Мој годишњи приход Мање од $14.999USD
  • Живим Кућним љубимцем/љубимцима
  • Код куће Нема буке
Личност Како се понашате? Шта Вам се допада?
  • У средњој школи био/била сам Спортиста
  • У друштву сам Отворен/отоврена
  • Моја интересовања и хобији Породица
  • Како замишљам провод Екстремни спортови
  • Мој савршен први састанак Someplace where the pressure is off. One of the things I dislike the most about gay world is that it's all image - appearing as if you have money, looking to fit some profile that's really not honest. I like to be comfortable, let the conversation flow, and I want the person I am dating to feel this way also. If you start out not expecting what it has to be like, and just have fun with the experience, I think you will have a much more fulfilling date.
  • Одувек сам желео/желела да Celebrating an anniversary with someone. Introducing a man I am proud to be with to my family. Going out together as a couple knowing that we will be doing this again. Having spirited discussions knowing that the guy isn't going to leave if we disagree about something. Just being human, and being accepted for all my faults, and vice versa.
Погледи/Животни ставови Животни ставови
  • Религија Духован/духовна сам, али не религиозан/религиозна
  • Мој животни циљ To attain a sense of peace and happiness. To finally figure out what I really want to do and enjoy doing it rather than always feeling like I have to aspire to be something better. To love and be loved by the same person and not have to try to find it.
Укус Шта волите?
  • На ТВ-у увек гледам Репризе програма
  • У биоскопу увек гледам Не волим филмове
  • Увек слушам Сол
  • Увек читам Референтне
  • Како замишљам добру забаву A feeling of accomplishment early in the morning - getting up early, working out, and having the rest of the day to do what I want. I live a simple life and live within my means; if that means going to the coffee shop for something light I enjoy the ambiance. When it gets warmer I go for long walks enjoying the views of Lake Superior. I also love to go running, and love the feeling I get after a long run.
Тражим Како замишљате сродну душу?
  • Шта Вас привлачи? Флертовање
  • Шта тражите? I've found enough passive guys to last me five lifetimes. I need someone confident, masculine, manly, who embodies everything I find great about men - in other words, someone who knows who he is and knows what he is doing.
  • Какву везу тражите? Посвећеност

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